Thursday, January 22, 2009

Failed to remove package from SMS / SCCM Retired/ Correpted distrubution point

Failed to remove package from a retired distrubution point


Select * from pkgservers where NALpath like '%\\retired DP path\DP$'
Select * from pkgstatus where pkgserver like '%\\retired DP path\DP$'

by runing above two commands verifiy that you have got the correct Correpted DP package ID or not. then if you find it you can safly run the below two commands to delete.

Next delete entries from any of the above tables to the invalid dp share.

Delete from pkgservers where NALpath like '%\\retired DP path\DP$'
Delete from pkgstatus where pkgserver like '%\\retired DP path\DP$'

This will be same for SMS 2003 and SCCM 2007

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